BVMY1000 Under-Hydrant Ball Valve | Smartjet
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BVMY1000 Under-Hydrant Ball Valve

Control valve BVMY1000 type 6” 300 lbs. x 4” 150 lbs. under-hydrant ball valve

Provides positive and safe isolation of the fuel hydrant line permitting safe maintenance and/or removal of the fuel hydrant valve


• Fire safe tested to API607. • Ensures minimum depth of the hydrant pit box. • Eliminates the need for the use of the conventional 6-inch X 4-inch reducing pipe spool. • May be used in conjunction with all Meggitt and other approved fuel hydrant pit valves. ? Manufactured with 6 inch 300Ib inlet flange and 4-inch 150Ib outlet flange as standard.

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